Publishing SSRS Reports

Hi, in this article i will explain how to publish your SSRS reports to reporting server.

- Start "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Powershell" with admin privileges.

Use below commands which is suitable with your situation;

- " Publish-AXReport -ReportName YourReportName " >> Publishes one specific report (Must be used on the Reporting Server)
- " Publish-AXReport -ReportName * " >>  Publishes all SSRS reports located in the AX system. (Must be used on the Reporting Server)
-"  Publish-AXReport -ReportName YourReportName -servicesAOSName NameOfTheAOS -servicesWSDLPort WSDLPortofTheAOS " >> Publishes a report for a specified AOS name and WSDL port.


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